
Well, we successfully launched the Kindle edition of my first novel, Engage at Dawn: First Contact, on Tuesday, 15 September .  Yes, yes, it’s been published in paperback for several weeks now, but the logistics associated with that meant I needed to build a launch event around something I knew was going to happen on a specific date.  So, I hope I can interest you enough to read it, and please, please, please post a review on your bookseller when you finish. I built the story around something I knew well (when you’re new, that’s what you do)—the crew of a Coast Guard cutter facing a challenging and dangerous mission.  What sets this book apart from all the other likable-and-dedicated-military-team-doing-the-job stories is that I gave them a nudge from the conventional world into a first contact science-fiction scenario.  I presented my best estimation on what would happen if a very high-caliber cutter crew was sent to locate an alien landing site and fight off some pretty nasty example